eBay LED Aquarium Light Review – How to Buy a Decent One?

Lighting is an essential part of an aquarium. It doesn’t matter if the aquarium is big or small. Adequate lighting is required to have healthy plants and fishes thriving in your artificial freshwater habitat.

Making the buying decision for the right lighting device that fits your aquarium type can be challenging. This eBay LED aquarium light review would help you make an informed buying decision.

28cm to 75cm Aquarium Led Light Lighting Full Spectrum Plant Fish Tank Marine Lamp

This amazing lighting device is great for aquarium tanks of different sizes. Here are some of its features and specifications.


  • It is designed to give your aquarium about 7500k natural ecological light. This keeps your plants healthy and improves their growth.
  • Its light angle is carefully positioned at 120 degrees. This ensures that the process of photosynthesis takes place appropriately.
  • This lighting device comes with an adjustable stainless-steel bracket. This feature makes it compatible with different sizes of tanks.
  • Another amazing feature it comes with is its aluminum alloy shell. This creates a heat dissipation function, which adds to its durability.
  • You don’t need to worry about the lamp beds getting damaged from water vapor. It comes with a built-in water board that keeps this in check.
  • If your tank has a thickness greater than 12mm, this device is not for you. It is designed for thanks with a thickness of less than 12mm.


  • The device is made of aluminum alloy material.
  • Its cable length is about one meter.
  • About 7500k white color temperature.
  • It comes in silver and black colors.
  • Its power rate is 12W/14W/18W/24W.
  • It is an ADE-200C model.


  • Lamp beddings are protected from getting damaged by water vapor.
  • It helps in improving plant growth.
  • Photosynthesis takes place appropriately under this device.
  • It can be used for a long time.
  • It is compatible with different tank sizes.


  • It is not compatible with tanks with a thickness that is greater than 12mm.

This amazing device is sold on eBay for $23

180-LEDs White & Blue LED Light Full Spectrum Aquarium Fish Tank Light 45″-50″.

This is your go-to lighting device if you have a large aquarium. It is great for both plants and animals. Here are the features and specifications.


  • It has a very bright white and blue light. This aids photosynthesis in plants and gives fishes the feeling of being in the open sea.
  • It comes with a LED fixture that is of high quality.
  • LED bulbs are durable and don’t need a replacement.
  • It comes with longer extendable brackets. This makes it fit on all sizes of aquarium tanks.
  • It has two switch controls for each white and blue LED light.
  • Its design is super slim with a black finish.
  • The device can work for 50000 hours straight.


  • It comes in two colors of light, which are blue and white.
  • The 180 LEDs comprise 144 whites and 36 blue.
  • The dimension is 45″(L) x 4″ (W) x 0.5″(H).
  • The dimension of its bracket extension is 59″(L) x 4.1″ (W), and 0.5″ (H).
  • About 42″ of cable length.
  • 100-240 voltage, which is about 50/60Hz.
  • It comes with DC12V output.


  • It is a very bright white and blue light.
  • It fits all sizes of tanks.
  • It is of super quality.
  • It is long, about 42″ in n length.


  • The hood is not waterproof, so do not immerse it in water.

On eBay, it is sold for about $59.

There are many other options to explore. But you want to research thoroughly to ensure that the LED light is compatible with your aquarium.

How To Buy A Decent LED Aquarium Light

LED lights are small light bulbs that can produce high-intensity light, and they need only very small energy to produce these high-intensity lights. They also do not produce heat. There are various types of LED lights. You can get the standard daylight wavelengths. You can also get a single-color LED aquarium light or an LED light designed to mimic the moon’s natural light.

There are some practical steps that you need to follow to buy your LED lights. Check out these sure steps below:

Consider the Quality and Cost

The last thing you want to do is buy an LED light system and in about three months, have to install a new light because the former one broke. This is a common problem with inferior products.

There are a few LED lights you can start with that are very flexible for your plan. There are Beam lights which offer a very wide spectrum of light. It comes in various sizes for small, medium, and large aquariums. And the best part about them is that they are very budget-friendly as their costs are relatively low.

Beam works LED lights are pretty reliable. You are very unlikely to have any break issues with the lights. They also produce a very great color spectrum. Another great thing about Beam works LED lights is that it has a place for an in-line timer.

It also has many lights, so you can flip the switches to get good nighttime light. This light is somewhat bluish as it mimics the natural moonlight.

Another great LED light you want to consider in terms of quality is the Finnex Stingray 2 Lights. It gives a brilliant white to an aquarium, and as with many other LEDs, it is durable. The only thing you might find questionable about this light is its silver. Many aquarists prefer that it is black to blend in well with the aquarium. But there is no question about its durability and quality.

If you want a more sophisticated light, maybe because you have a planted aquarium with plants that are relatively harder to grow, it would be best to go for Fluval 3.0. Of course, a higher quality necessitates a higher cost. But you can be sure that Fluval 3.0 is worth it.

The Fluval 3.0 has a wide range of adjustment options. You can adjust the intensity to the needs of your plants, the spectrum, and the timer, with your phone. They also have a nice slim profile and are great for growing anything you need in your tank.

So, in the end, you want to do your research well and ensure that the lighting system supports your tank’s ecology needs and is within your budget limits.

Understand the lighting requirement of your aquarium

There are many factors you want to consider at this stage. You need to consider the size of the tank. A lighting system for a small tank will not work well with a very large tank.

Also, you want to consider other factors like the species of fish you are keeping. Some species like dark or dimly lit aquariums, while others like well-lit aquariums. If you keep saltwater fish, it would be best to check out lights specifically designed for saltwater aquariums. In the same way, you want to check out lighting systems specifically designed for freshwater fish if your keep a freshwater aquarium. But generally, the same lights will usually work for both tanks if you adjust them well to the tank’s needs.

If you keep a planted aquarium, it would be best to get LED lights in colors that support plant growth. You can get LED violet-blue lights. With a 400-520 nanometer range, you can be sure that your plants will grow healthy, absorbing chlorophyll better and naturally engaging in photosynthesis.

A rule of thumb is 1-2 Watts per gallon if you keep a fish-only tank. But if you keep a planted aquarium, you want to stick to 3-5 Watts per gallon.

Some fish species are like a planted and dimly lit aquarium. Many of these fish species include the corydoras species. Many other species like eel-like fish also love a dimly lit aquarium.

Also, choosing the right type of light can make your aquarium maintenance routine a little easier. If you use a light that is too bright, you will likely have to deal with algae blooming very often, especially if you do not keep plants in your aquarium, than when you use a light that is not too bright.

Consider Your Tank Size

Tank size is not just length and breadth. You must also consider the depth of the tank. While certain lights may work well for small and shallower tanks, they will not reach the depth of deeper tanks.

If you keep floating plants, this will also reduce the lights’ penetration level. So you want to consider all this.

Naturally, LED lights will work well for small tanks. Anything below 18 inches, you can use LED lights, especially if it is a fish-only tank. But if you have plants in the aquarium, it would be best to use a more sophisticated LED light that can mimic the sun’s wavelength and put out more intensity. This is important if you want your plants to grow healthy.

If you have a tank that is deeper than 18 inches, you will need a high-intensity LED light to penetrate the depth of your aquarium. LED lights that will do well here are normally 150 Watts with about 30 5 Watts LED bulbs or more.

Essentially, the deeper the tank, the more sophisticated the required LED lights are.